Integrating in Amersfoort

Welcome to Amersfoort!

Soon you will be living here, or maybe you already are. The way things are organized in the Netherlands are new to you. The municipality of Amersfoort finds it important that you will receive help with getting to know your way around so you feel at home as soon as possible. That you take an active part in living in your new hometown. The Dutch word used for integration is inburgeren. The way this needs to be done is written down in a law that is called: Wet Inburgering.

This law applies to you. But what is written in this law? And what does that mean for you personally? For the assistance with integration the municipality of Amersfoort works with Integratiewerk. This organisation knows what you need to do and will help you with the integration. Integratiewerk will invite you for a meeting soon.

If you have urgent questions that cannot wait, you can reach Integratiewerk by the phone number: 033-4619520 or e-mail:


You still live in the asielzoekerscentrum (AZC) and you recently received a residence permit. You already received a message that you will be living in Amersfoort in the near future. An employee of Integratiewerk will invite you as soon as possible for an appointment. During this meeting this employee and you discuss what kind of help you need and what kind of house you qualify for.

The next step is that Integratiewerk will search a house for you in Amersfoort. So you don’t have to search for a house yourself. It may take a while to find a house, because sometimes there are only few houses available. In that case you have to wait before it is your turn. That is no fun and it might request your patience. If you have urgent questions that cannot wait, you can reach Integratiewerk by the phone number: 033-4619520 or e-mail:

Een pan staat in zijn deuropening met zijn hand op de deurklink terwijl hij ons aankijkt


Because living in the Netherlands and Amersfoort is new to you, the municipality of Amersfoort wants you to receive help. That is why you will have a contact person at Integratiewerk. An employee of Integratiewerk will invite you as soon as possible for an appointment, to meet and also to agree on what kind of help you will receive. The integration process will still be seen as your own responsibility.

The law requires you to commit yourself and to participate in society. Your contact person will help you to take the steps to eventually be able to do things yourself.

If you moved here from the AZC you will also receive help with finding your way in Amersfoort. You will be assisted with things like organizing a family doctor, insurances, school for your children, taxes, post, etc. If you are not invited to an appointment yet, but you do have urgent questions that cannot wait, you can reach Integratiewerk by the phone number: 033-4619520 or e-mail:

Een breed glimlachende man, zitten aan het bureau van een medewerker


Together with your contact person of Integratiewerk you make a plan based on your personal situation. This is called Persoonlijk plan Inburgering en Participatie (PIP), meaning that it is your own personal plan. 

What integration actually means is different from person to person. Together with your contact person of Integratiewerk you make a plan based on your personal situation. This is called Persoonlijk plan Inburgering en Participatie (PIP), meaning that it is your own personal plan. In this document is written what you have to do and what the end results need to be.

It will state how you will learn the language and how you will prepare to find a job in the future. But it is also about getting to know your new neighbourhood, about health, and financial education for example. The plan is mandatory. That is why it is important to make a good suitable plan and that takes time and probably several meetings with your contact person. Together you will speak about the whole process. From where you will start until what you want to achieve, start to end. After the plan is made and signed your integration will start. The goal is that you will feel more and more at home in Amersfoort and that you will become independent and know your way around. Throughout the timeframe of the process your contact person will help you if necessary.

Een glimlachende vrouw zit aan een tafel en schrijft in een werkboek


For the assistance with integration the municipality works with Integratiewerk. This organisation has a lot of experience with Wet Inburgering and assisting people. If you want more information, you can take a look on the website:

Right to recidence

De Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst (IND) decides if you can stay in the Netherlands. This is called right to residency, verblijfsrecht in Dutch. More information you can find at the IND-website.

Obligation of integration

After you received a residence permit the organisation called DUO (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs) decides if you are obligated to integrate. If so, they will send you a letter. More information you can find here:

If DUO decides that you have this obligation, then the law called Wet Inburgering applies to you. The municipality of Amersfoort is responsible for the implementation of this law.